Sermon based on 2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19
Preached on July 12, 2009 at South Haven United Church of Christ - Bedford, OH
There are two pieces that we need to talk about before we tackle today’s reading from 2 Samuel. First, we need to understand what brought us here – we need to understand the events that led up to this triumphant parade. And, second, we need to confront what was omitted from the lectionary today – namely verses 6-12a.
So, how did we get to this parade? Here’s the condensed version. Years before this scene, the Ark of the Covenant had been captured by the Philistines and taken from Israel. The Philistines kept the Ark for about seven months and during that time Dagon, the chief Philistine deity, was left broken and the Philistines were struck with “tumors” (generally thought to be bubonic plague) and began dying. They moved the Ark from city to city – witnessing the same pain inflicted upon their people – until the Philistines finally decided to return the Ark to Israel – first to the people of Beth-she’mesh who ultimately gave it to the people of Kir’i-ath-je’a-rim where it remained. Saul is made king, and during his reign the Ark – the visible symbol of God’s ongoing presence working in their lives – was not part of their national worship.
Cut to the present biblical time – David is king and has achieved a united kingdom, making Jerusalem its capital city. David decides to bring the Ark of the Covenant from Kir’i-ath-je’a-rim to this new capital city making it not only the political center but also the religious center. The crowds are gathering – we are told some 30,000 people – and they went to retrieve the Ark and bring it home. Can you imagine the scene? Thirty thousand people were dancing and singing in joyous praise to God. It was a party in the streets! Can’t you just hear the Kool & The Gang song “Celebration” ringing through the crowd? What a great day it was.
But wait, before we get too wrapped up in the celebration we still have to confront the verses that were left out of this week’s lectionary reading – that’s right, verses 6-12a. Although it may be easier for us to leave them out the store is a lot more dramatic, a lot more suspenseful with them included. In these verses we learn that one of the men who were charged with bringing the Ark home, Uzzah, dies. He doesn’t die of natural causes. That would be too easy. Rather, he is struck dead by God. You see, the oxen who were pulling the cart stumbled and the Ark was about to fall on the ground. Uzzah reached out his hand and grabbed the Ark – preventing it from falling. This angered God. We read that “the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God struck him there because he reached out his hand to the ark; and he died there beside the ark of God.” (2 Sam 7) This act not only infuriated David but it made him fearful as well. And, as a result, he left the Ark at the house of Obed-edom for three months – after which time he eventually returned and joyously brought the Ark to Jerusalem.
There are many different ways this reading in being discussed today in churches that follow the lectionary. Some – quite honestly – are choosing not to discuss Uzzah at all – and simply handle the reading as it was assigned. Some are talking about how Uzzah felt that he was “in charge” of God, that he had put God in a box and felt it was his duty to protect God from the muck of the earth. Some are talking about how Uzzah broke the Mosaic tradition by not “handling” the ark in the proper manner. Uzzah, honestly, can be a complete sermon in and of itself.
It certainly would have been easier for us to not include this part of the story – wouldn’t it? But, including it certainly helps us to paint a much different picture. Instead of simply being a story about the celebratory nature of bringing the Ark home and of people singing and dancing in the streets, we are forced to pause – we are forced to confront the sadness and the anger – we are forced to confront the “messiness” of this beautiful thing we call life.
Do you remember David’s reaction to Uzzah’s death? Here we have a day of celebration and it ends in tragedy. David was angry! I don’t blame him in the least. How could I? Anger, sadness, these are all very human emotions and quite understandable reactions. But, we can’t forget that David didn’t remain angry, he didn’t remain fearful. Quite the contrary – we soon find that David was once again singing and dancing in the streets – praising God’s glory.
My youngest son Thomas’ full name is Thomas Jason James Tamilio. He is named after three very dear friends of my husband John and mine – three dear friends whom we lost in a short span of time. Our friend Tom died on his 33rd birthday of a brain tumor that was discovered two weeks earlier - leaving behind a wife and three month old son. A few short weeks later our friend Jason was killed in a car accident – leaving behind his wife and twin one year old boys. And not long after that our friend Jimmie was killed by two drunk drivers – leaving behind his wife and three children. It was an extremely difficult time. We were angry. I was angry! Yup, I was angry with God. These deaths were senseless. And, although my theology is such that I don’t believe God caused these deaths – I needed to be angry with someone – so God drew the short straw. But, I soon realized something. God took my anger, without reservation, and held it. And in doing so allowed me to see God’s very real presence in the messiness of my life. I could see and I could feel God. I know it seems strange to say but God was in the air. God was in the hands of first responders and doctors. God was in the embrace of friends and strangers. God was in the tears and laughter upon the sharing of treasured memories. God was in the music.
It doesn’t take long, once someone meets me, to learn the important role that music plays in my life and the life of my family. I am a singer, my husband John sings and plays guitar, our daughter Sarah sings and plays violin, and our boys Jay and Thomas not only sing all the time but are expressing an interest in learning to play the drums and guitar. Not only do we love to express ourselves through music, we love listening to music as well – all types. If you were to scan my music collection you would find classic rock, musicals, pop rock, country, reggae, classical, Christian, rap, you name it – I have it. My collection spans the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s (which I just recently learned is now classified as “oldies”), 90’s, and present day. Music – whether I am performing, or simply listening to – has a way like nothing else to enter in and touch me at the deepest point of my soul. It can fill me with joy or bring me to tears; it can give me strength or help me find release. It should come as no surprise then that lyrics were once again bouncing around in my head when I read this week’s readings. (I promise, lyrics won’t make their way into every sermon.) Have you heard this song?
My life goes on in endless song
above earth's lamentations,
I hear the real, though far-off hymn
that hails a new creation.
Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear it's music ringing,
It sounds an echo in my soul.
How can I keep from singing?
My friends, life is messy. You know that. We all live in that messiness day in and day out. But let us never forget that God is ready and willing to take our anger, to take our sadness, to take our fears. We will continue to be enveloped and clothed in God’s love. We will continue to see God in the sunrise, in the sunset, in the faces of friends and strangers. Everywhere! So sing with me, dance with me - and let us give thanks to God!
So, how did we get to this parade? Here’s the condensed version. Years before this scene, the Ark of the Covenant had been captured by the Philistines and taken from Israel. The Philistines kept the Ark for about seven months and during that time Dagon, the chief Philistine deity, was left broken and the Philistines were struck with “tumors” (generally thought to be bubonic plague) and began dying. They moved the Ark from city to city – witnessing the same pain inflicted upon their people – until the Philistines finally decided to return the Ark to Israel – first to the people of Beth-she’mesh who ultimately gave it to the people of Kir’i-ath-je’a-rim where it remained. Saul is made king, and during his reign the Ark – the visible symbol of God’s ongoing presence working in their lives – was not part of their national worship.
Cut to the present biblical time – David is king and has achieved a united kingdom, making Jerusalem its capital city. David decides to bring the Ark of the Covenant from Kir’i-ath-je’a-rim to this new capital city making it not only the political center but also the religious center. The crowds are gathering – we are told some 30,000 people – and they went to retrieve the Ark and bring it home. Can you imagine the scene? Thirty thousand people were dancing and singing in joyous praise to God. It was a party in the streets! Can’t you just hear the Kool & The Gang song “Celebration” ringing through the crowd? What a great day it was.
But wait, before we get too wrapped up in the celebration we still have to confront the verses that were left out of this week’s lectionary reading – that’s right, verses 6-12a. Although it may be easier for us to leave them out the store is a lot more dramatic, a lot more suspenseful with them included. In these verses we learn that one of the men who were charged with bringing the Ark home, Uzzah, dies. He doesn’t die of natural causes. That would be too easy. Rather, he is struck dead by God. You see, the oxen who were pulling the cart stumbled and the Ark was about to fall on the ground. Uzzah reached out his hand and grabbed the Ark – preventing it from falling. This angered God. We read that “the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God struck him there because he reached out his hand to the ark; and he died there beside the ark of God.” (2 Sam 7) This act not only infuriated David but it made him fearful as well. And, as a result, he left the Ark at the house of Obed-edom for three months – after which time he eventually returned and joyously brought the Ark to Jerusalem.
There are many different ways this reading in being discussed today in churches that follow the lectionary. Some – quite honestly – are choosing not to discuss Uzzah at all – and simply handle the reading as it was assigned. Some are talking about how Uzzah felt that he was “in charge” of God, that he had put God in a box and felt it was his duty to protect God from the muck of the earth. Some are talking about how Uzzah broke the Mosaic tradition by not “handling” the ark in the proper manner. Uzzah, honestly, can be a complete sermon in and of itself.
It certainly would have been easier for us to not include this part of the story – wouldn’t it? But, including it certainly helps us to paint a much different picture. Instead of simply being a story about the celebratory nature of bringing the Ark home and of people singing and dancing in the streets, we are forced to pause – we are forced to confront the sadness and the anger – we are forced to confront the “messiness” of this beautiful thing we call life.
Do you remember David’s reaction to Uzzah’s death? Here we have a day of celebration and it ends in tragedy. David was angry! I don’t blame him in the least. How could I? Anger, sadness, these are all very human emotions and quite understandable reactions. But, we can’t forget that David didn’t remain angry, he didn’t remain fearful. Quite the contrary – we soon find that David was once again singing and dancing in the streets – praising God’s glory.
My youngest son Thomas’ full name is Thomas Jason James Tamilio. He is named after three very dear friends of my husband John and mine – three dear friends whom we lost in a short span of time. Our friend Tom died on his 33rd birthday of a brain tumor that was discovered two weeks earlier - leaving behind a wife and three month old son. A few short weeks later our friend Jason was killed in a car accident – leaving behind his wife and twin one year old boys. And not long after that our friend Jimmie was killed by two drunk drivers – leaving behind his wife and three children. It was an extremely difficult time. We were angry. I was angry! Yup, I was angry with God. These deaths were senseless. And, although my theology is such that I don’t believe God caused these deaths – I needed to be angry with someone – so God drew the short straw. But, I soon realized something. God took my anger, without reservation, and held it. And in doing so allowed me to see God’s very real presence in the messiness of my life. I could see and I could feel God. I know it seems strange to say but God was in the air. God was in the hands of first responders and doctors. God was in the embrace of friends and strangers. God was in the tears and laughter upon the sharing of treasured memories. God was in the music.
It doesn’t take long, once someone meets me, to learn the important role that music plays in my life and the life of my family. I am a singer, my husband John sings and plays guitar, our daughter Sarah sings and plays violin, and our boys Jay and Thomas not only sing all the time but are expressing an interest in learning to play the drums and guitar. Not only do we love to express ourselves through music, we love listening to music as well – all types. If you were to scan my music collection you would find classic rock, musicals, pop rock, country, reggae, classical, Christian, rap, you name it – I have it. My collection spans the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s (which I just recently learned is now classified as “oldies”), 90’s, and present day. Music – whether I am performing, or simply listening to – has a way like nothing else to enter in and touch me at the deepest point of my soul. It can fill me with joy or bring me to tears; it can give me strength or help me find release. It should come as no surprise then that lyrics were once again bouncing around in my head when I read this week’s readings. (I promise, lyrics won’t make their way into every sermon.) Have you heard this song?
My life goes on in endless song
above earth's lamentations,
I hear the real, though far-off hymn
that hails a new creation.
Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear it's music ringing,
It sounds an echo in my soul.
How can I keep from singing?
My friends, life is messy. You know that. We all live in that messiness day in and day out. But let us never forget that God is ready and willing to take our anger, to take our sadness, to take our fears. We will continue to be enveloped and clothed in God’s love. We will continue to see God in the sunrise, in the sunset, in the faces of friends and strangers. Everywhere! So sing with me, dance with me - and let us give thanks to God!